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Conversely, the impact of the income level of the wife of her husband's fertility desire is small. In addition, both husband and wife are both high-income or low-income, Second Child's wishes are higher. Although the two-child policy fully liberalized, but that does not mean couples on fertility desires will reached a high level. The survey shows that 30.36 percent of couples fertility desire inconsistent, which in 12.51% of the family, his wife's fertility desires higher than her husband, and 17.85% of families, fertility desire wife less than her husband. In all respondents, only 25.02 percent of spouses Uniform Second Child will. Professor Shi Songfu Qing said the couple unilateral fertility desire is often higher than the actual birth family will. For example, in this survey, the proportion of wives and husbands are going to have two children, respectively 37.05% and 39.76%, but the couple agreed intends only 25.02% of the proportion of Second Child. When the couple fertility desire inconsistent, far lower than the actual fertility behavior fertility desires either one. More parents willing to 'old age daughter,' experts said the concept of old age daughter is expected to ease gradually deepen the sex ratio imbalances in the future to a certain extent, the demographic challenge to play an important role in two-child policy after full liberalization, 'life is not life' has been many people of childbearing age is a hot topic. National Development Research Institute of Peking University post-doctoral Yang Xiaojun released at the annual meeting of 'urban youth and its influencing factors of fertility desire' selected Guilin, Wuxi, China Lanzhou this Three middle-income city, for example, found an interesting phenomenon - more and more people tend to 'old age daughter.' The survey selected three cities in 1976 --1986 was born nearly a thousand young people. Among them, 72% of those surveyed own only child, eight were married, 79% have a child who has given birth. The survey found that, in the absence of any policy restrictions ideal state, 74.28% of people said that the ideal number of children is two, only 18% of people believe that the ideal number of children is one. So, what factors contribute to fertility desire of these young people have a relatively significant impact? The survey found that the proportion of the higher education level, generally the higher the income level, hoping a second child is also higher. According to respondents

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